Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Composition Photographs

For this assignment there was a specific focus on four aspects of composition: natural framing, balance, leading lines, and texture. Though there are multiple definitions for each of these aspects, these are the four we used.

Natural Framing: when something in the picture frames the subject so as to focus the person who is looking at it. This photograph is of two guards that were sitting on a motorbike under a tree while on break.

Balance: having more than one subject of equal importance in the photograph. For this composition aspect, I originally used a photo of my dad holding a cat, but the cat was out of focus. I chose another photo for the assignment, but I took the first print home and gave it to my dad for his birthday.

Leading Lines: a picture with lines, either naturally or created, that lead to the subject. This photograph is of a guard outside of my apartment. I took it because I saw how the sidewalk, the line of trees, and the wall all lead to him.

Texture: either it is a photograph of a pattern, or the picture has no main subject. This photograph is of a banyan tree in the park. I liked the look of the trunk so I took a picture.

I took a camera home for the first time to do this project ad went out to KLCC to take most of the pictures. I think the biggest problem was getting pictures of people who would stay still and that it was really bright outside. To help with that, I used the lollipop tool when I was printing to let certain parts of the pictures have more exposure time than others so that the really bright areas could be more clear without the darker areas being to dark. I used this technique specifically on my natural framing photo because while the trees are in shadow, the building wall in the background is very light, so just let the center have a much longer exposure than the rest. It also came in handy during my leading lines picture because a lot of the photo is in bright light.

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